Pubblichiamo di seguito il comunicato stampa, emesso dalla Commissione europea, in seguito alla bocciatura da parte dell’Irlanda del Trattato di Lisbona. Il testo é in inglese.
Brussels, 2008-06-13
Statement by President Barroso
following the Irish referendum on the Treaty of LisbonIreland has voted no to the Treaty of Lisbon. As a supporter of the Treaty, the European
Commission would have hoped for another result. However, we respect the outcome of the
referendum.I have just spoken to Prime Minister Cowen, and he was clear that this vote should not be
seen as a vote against the EU. Indeed, both sides in the campaign stressed the benefits of
Irish membership: I believe that Ireland remains committed to building a strong Europe and
playing a full and active part in the EU.The Irish government and the governments of the other Member States will now need to
assess what this result means for the process. The Treaty was signed by all 27 Member
States, so there is a joint responsibility to address the situation. The European Council
meets next week – and that is the place where joint decisions should be taken on issues
that concern us all. The “no” vote in Ireland has not solved the problems which the Lisbon
Treaty is designed to solve. The ratification process is made up of 27 national processes,
18 Member States have already approved the Treaty, and the European Commission
believes that the remaining ratifications should continue to take their course.At the European Council, we will want to confer with each other, to hear Prime Minister
Cowen’s analysis, as well as his ideas on how to address the concerns expressed by those
who chose to vote no.At the same time, the EU institutions and the Member States should continue the work of
delivering for the citizens of Europe on issues like growth and jobs, social cohesion, energy
security, climate change and fighting inflation. Working together in the EU remains the best
way to deal with the challenges affecting Europeans today.
Fonte : Sito della Commissione europea